About Faculty Staff Reporting

Outside Professional Activities (OPA)

Outside Professional Activities (OPA) surveys are collected annually from faculty and exempt staff for compliance with the University Policy on Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Commitment. More information and guidance about submitting, reviewing, and approving OPA surveys can be found at the OPA Help Center website.

Instructional Workload System (IWS)

The Instructional Workload System (IWS) was designed to comply with the University System of Maryland’s former faculty workload policy and reporting guidelines. The revised USM policy called for universities to define local faculty workload expectations that more appropriately reflect the balance among teaching, research, and service activities. As a result, the IWS system is no longer being maintained. While reports in the IWS system remain available to those who previously had access, it is not recommended that they be used for campus analysis or reporting, given differences between campus instructional activities and USM reporting guidelines.